As I walked out on the beach looking toward the vast darkness, a soft glow of pastel colors started to illuminate the horizon of the eastern sky. There’s just something about sitting in the sand watching the sun rise over the ocean. It’s calming, peaceful and a bit magical. As a boat captain once said, “Anyone who has never seen the sea at six in the morning does not know the sea.” I agree. It’s my favorite time of the day when I visit the beach.

A few of the beach birds we saw: Black Skimmers (top left), Snowy Egret fishing in the surf (top center), Great black-backed Gull (top right), Brown Pelican w/Double-crested Cormorants and an owl decoy (bottom left), American Oystercatchers (bottom center) and a Boat-tailed Grackle and his shadow (bottom right)
My family and I decided to spend Thanksgiving week at the beach. It’s been a tough year, and we needed this time together. We chose Ocean Isle Beach, a quiet spot on the southern coast of North Carolina, about a mile and half from the South Carolina border, as the crow flies. The area was beautiful, even though it still showed signs of severe damage from Hurricane Isaias, a Category 1 hurricane that slammed directly into this small town one year ago and caused the worst flooding the island had ever experienced. As one lady I spoke with in a local market told me, “The storm really caught us by surprise. We were complacent, thinking it was ‘only a Cat 1,’ so most of us decided we would just ride it out. We were lucky to get out. It was really scary!”
Visiting a popular beach area in late November is much different than enjoying a hot summer vacation at the shore in July. There are far fewer people, many of the businesses have reduced operating hours, or have closed for the season and the water is just a bit too chilly to take a dip in. You can, but it would be a quick one without a wet suit! However, the days still can be sunny and warm, and all the things that make visiting a beach during the warmer months so enjoyable seem a bit more magnified in November-the soothing sounds of the water, the salt air, the cool sand between your toes and the Brown Pelicans gliding just above the ocean waves. These are the things that I seek when I venture to the seaside.

We love visiting the coast. It’s a great way to relax and recharge your batteries, watch some wildlife, eat some great seafood, play in the sand, and just stroll the along the beach looking for that perfect seashell. I wouldn’t consider myself a beach person though. After 6 days, I was ready to hit the road and head home. For me, our beach trip definitely served its purpose, and simply reminded me to Give Thanks for all that I have, and all the people in my life!

I love the pictures and the text both but Tyler’s creation of that sand gator is my favorite!
Very nice Rich!